2Suit Media

Email Marketing

We are an adult and mainstream digital marketing agency that provides email marketing strategies to monetize your database

Monetize your email marketing

Perhaps it sounds like an outdated tactic, but trust us, email still has one of the highest ROI of the mainstream and adult industries, precisely 40/1, which means that for every $1  that you put in, you get 40 back. I imagine that most of you cannot get that much back, and there is a reason for it…

People assume that when we say “monetize your email marketing,” you go directly to sales and start sending everyone daily emails asking them to buy your product. You can perhaps get a sale or two this way, but the main idea of email marketing is to prepare your customers for the sale.

How to collect emails to start?

The number one imperative for email marketing is that you already have a database. That means users who have shown interest in your product are more than glad to be contacted by your company.

To get that, depending on where you are advertising (Facebook ads, Google ads, Ad networks), you need to have one of the 2…. or both.

A strategy to get emails in return for something physical or digital

A tracker that gets you the data of the customers that enter your landing page

Here, we chose the first option. A tracker can work, yes, but for our strategy to work, the leads need to be qualified. That’s why getting someone to fill in their email and name is the best option, as it guarantees us that they perceive your business as valuable.

How can you make email sales using a digital marketing agency strategy?

Here at 2suitmedia.com, we understand that not everyone is ready to buy on the first email sent, there is a process that needs to be respected to build trust and reduce scepticism. Therefore, we elaborate a step-by-step plan that allows us to enter the customer’s mind and increase the probability of a sale is made.

This digital marketing agency process consists of 5 emails exchanged between them in which they educate the customer on the product in which they previously expressed interest, thereby positioning your brand as the obvious choice.

Assume the user wishes to purchase your monthly subscription but has not completed the checkout process…

Email 1: Remember that they have not finished the purchase.

Email 2: Tell them what they would be getting if they closed the purchase.

Email 3: Show them some reviews and other customer opinions.

Email 4: Announce a new feature that comes with the purchase.

Email 5: Make a limited-time offer with a limited number of people, an exclusive price, and new features.

This requires some professional work, as there is a lot of data to analyze when it comes to knowing how to approach your audience. That’s why a digital marketing agency is best suited for the job.
What we do when the sale is not closed after the 5-step process?

It’s not often that this happens, but there is always a chance that the sale might not be complete even after the 5 emails we sent. Some leads are not as qualified as others, even after going through the same process. Some users are more unsure than others, and we showed no signs of abandoning them.

The strategy here is pretty simple, consistent. 

As long as we don’t ear a “no” we continue educating them on the product and telling them about all the amazing features and benefits that they are missing out on not purchasing your product or service.

what we do when the sale is closed?

Okay, we’ve already converted, but we can’t ignore the fact that we now have a customer rather than money. That customer expects the same kind of energy that we were giving before, and that’s what we will be giving him!

Once a week we will make sure to email all the active customers on news, curiosities, funny stuff, new products, discounts, whatever it is.

This is the way that we acquire and maintain customer, through a closed connection between the customer and the brand

Let's work together

Tell us about your business and where we can help you, We love new projects