2Suit Media

Facebook Ads

We are a Facebook ads agency that takes care of all of your campaigns setting them up for success

Facebook Ads Agency

Do you believe your company can generate more results with ads on social media? Do your campaigns generate engagement, but do not convert into sales? Besides visibility, do you want to grow your business?

If you have identified yourself with any of these scenarios, maybe it’s time to invest in effective tactics to get results.

Facebook has over 2.2 billion active users and Instagram over 3 billion. Amidst this scenario, you should already know that the target audience of your business is connected on these channels, which are part of the same ad platform, since they are the same company. However, only with the right strategies can you find them and create a connection with these people to generate sales.

The work of Instagram and Facebook Ads is suitable for businesses that aim to:

  • increase the exposure of their brand or page;
  • reach exactly your target audience;
  • attract people interested in your business;
  • capture leads
  • gain new customers;
  • generate more sales.


How to Sell More with Facebook Ads

A good Facebook Ads job is not about boosting posts. It’s not about creating an image, adapting it into different formats and investing a specific amount of money per day to get lots of people to see it.

Facebook Ads is about targeting ads to the right audience, finding your customer profile among a large audience.

It’s about understanding what stage of the buying journey your audience is at to create personalised campaigns.

It’s about targeting the best format for each type of ad.

Based on the analysis of your business scenario, it is possible to carry out an effective media performance work and we want to help you find the best solutions for your company.

How Facebook Ads Work Works

To create media campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, our masters do some planning, execute it and generate follow-up reports.

Understand, below, how each stage works:

Niche analysis
Through Facebook itself, and tools such as Hitwise, our media buying team maps your business’s market and also identifies who the target audience is, in order to create well-optimised campaigns.

Subject research
Through tools such as Adwords Keyword Tool, SEMrush and Hitwise, we identify subjects that your audience may like. Based on this, we set up an action plan that involves the production of content and the creation of ads capable of activating the interest of the buying public.

How to set up Facebook Ads Properly

Set up on Facebook
In the Facebook ad platform, we create the campaigns already optimized. In this step, our team also configures and manages the daily investment of each one of them.

Periodic re-optimisation
Once the campaigns are online, our media team monitors them and, whenever necessary, implements and makes changes. This care, of doing periodic re-optimizations, allows us to significantly maximize your results!

The Facebook ad platform enables a detailed segmentation of the audience to be reached. So, in addition to preparing the ideal campaign, we use the resources that the social network offers to direct the ads to the right people, those who may be interested in your product/service.

Thus, with a well-done segmentation, we avoid unnecessary impressions and increase the quality of the advertisement with Facebook.

Considering previous results, we also specify the range of action of the ads, specifying gender, age, location and other important points. All to get the most out of your investment.

Conditional changes
Facebook campaigns targeted at e-commerce, for example, require constant updates due to pricing, inventory and other issues in this group of sites. Therefore, when necessary, we monitor campaigns more closely and provide agile changes

Monthly Reports

Simple Report
For a quick clarification of your Facebook campaigns, we deliver a simple report that presents the number of reach, frequency, social reach, shares, clicks and the CTR of each ad. This way, we speed up the understanding of the campaigns’ progress.

Complete analysis
To complement the simple report, the complete analysis has specific metrics and data regarding your website or Facebook page. This analysis is divided between ad groups and registered ads and has all the details of the executed campaigns.

Conversion Analysis
Our conversion analysis allows you to understand the efficiency of your site’s pages in relation to the ads, and vice versa, and can even attest to the ROI. This analysis also contributes to the improvement of the ads and pages of your site, which consequently improves the return on your investment.

Let's work together

Tell us about your business and where we can help you, We love new projects